Program Director’s Welcome



The two of us have had the privilege of heading up institutions in which the development, enrichment, and education in collaboration and dialogue have been central. In 2010 we began to dream about how our organizations could unite in offering our resources world-wide. Our specific hope was to offer a certified Master’s Degree program. A major step forward took place in 2015, when Kanankil was given the right by the Mexican government to offer an on-line MA program in Spanish. And now we are delighted to have a green light to offer the program in English!

Being able to work from a collaborative and dialogical perspectives has never been more important. In certain respects, the future of our world hangs on these practices. The various peoples of the world – differing in values, religions, and ways of life – are now engaged with each other, and the results have been complex and many times, not useful for the survival of the planet. Meanings are created, sometimes in opposition, and the issues we face – in business, science, and government – are increasingly difficult to reconcile. No single individual or group has all the answers. Dialogic collaboration is essential and top-down policies are everywhere in question. It is becoming more recognized by different professionals – doctors and nurses, therapists, social workers, policeman, educators, and more – that the need to learn how to work with those they serve instead of for/about/on them is imperative.

It is thus with enormous pleasure that we now offer the Master of Arts Degree in Collaborative and Dialogic Practices for English speaking professionals from around the globe. Not only will participants be involved with each other in lively and illuminating exchanges, but will be guided by carefully selected professors, in learning, creating, and practicing how to engage in meaningful and useful conversations in the exercise of their professions. And the Master’s degree will publicly certify their accomplishments through the granting of this degree.

You are invited to join with us in this unique exploration.

Rocio Chaveste, Kanankil Institute and Kenneth J. Gergen, The Taos Institute